Should you let your dog sleep in bed with you?

Should you let your dog sleep in bed with you?

Boy, did it ever get hot outside, huh? Normally I really enjoy soaking up the sun on my mom and dad’s front porch, where I can also keep an eye on the neighbors and that UPS truck I like to bark at so much, but even Sunday I just wanted to stay inside in the air conditioning comfort.

My mom and dad put in their air conditioning unit about two weeks ago in their bedroom and I really like it a lot. I also really like they let me and my sister, Josephine, sleep in their giant, cozy bed with them.

Which begs — pardon the pun — the age-old question, should you let your dog, including a giant 110-pound mastiff like me, sleep with you at night in bed? Well, according to Dog is Good,, research has shown there are many benefits to co-sleeping with your dog, and it helps strengthen your bond together.

Here’s a list of five reasons why you should let your dog climb into bed with you tonight.

  1. It may help to calm you and help you fall asleep faster

Dogs can be natural stress relievers and can also be extremely soothing. Allowing your dog in your bed may help calm you down after a long day and may also aid in getting you to fall asleep faster. Also, petting your dog and cuddling is way, WAY better than mindlessly scrolling through your phone right before bed, and healthier for you too.

  1. Sleeping with your dog will make you feel safe

Dogs and humans have lived together for thousands of years, and doesn’t it just make you feel safer when there’s a dog around to alert you of possible danger. Whether you’re a big dog like me, or a little buddy like my sister, chances are we’re going to protect you no matter what happens.

  1. It will strengthen your bond with your dog

I know Josephine and I love sleeping with mom and dad, and I’m pretty sure they do too (well, maybe not 100% of the time when I start running in my sleeping or my get into a snoring battle with dad). Dogs by nature are pack animals and they have always slept close to one another, keeping in heat and keeping out danger. I know when I first came home, I wanted to become part of the pack right away. Thankfully, mom and dad agreed!

     4.Science says you’ll get a better night’s sleep

Hey, science doesn’t lie, right? According to a Mayo Clinic study, more than half of pet owners (56%) allowed their pets to sleep in their bed and 41% perceived their pets as even beneficial to sleep with. Also, listening to the rhythmic heartbeat and breathing makes your dog the best sleep aid on out there.

  1. They’ll keep you warm

OK, maybe you won’t need the warmth so much recently, but you can save on your gas bill during those cold winter months by cuddling and snuggling with your dog. Also, when us dogs get cold, humans provide warmth for us too.

Nighttime is one of my favorite times of the day, and I really appreciate it when mom or dad will help hoist me into bed when I’ve had day’s when my legs aren’t feeling too good. I’m pretty sure I can fall asleep within 10 minutes when I’m in bed, and it goes even faster if mom or dad are already there when I’m “ready for sleepies”.

Hope you give your dog a chance to sleep next to you in bed. I think you’ll both enjoy it!!






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