Bark Betty Summer Dog Heat Hydration Pets Health

When is it too hot to trot?

Happy Monday y'all! Hope y'all had a fantastic weekend. I know I sure did beating the heat over at the lake with my sister and my mom and dad. I didn't like the water at first, but now on those really hot and muggy days I have no problem diving right in. Especially if someone is going to throw me a ball or stick, I'm even happier.
As the weather continues to get hotter and humans are getting out more and more, it's important to remember when walking around downtown or even down the road, those sidewalks or pavement on the road can get really, REALLY hot on my paws.
Here's a little graphic from my friends at the Elk Rapids Animal Hospital detailing an easy way to decipher if it is in fact "too hot to trot." 
The health tips on the bottom are also helpful. I like to walk in the woods mostly where there's shade and areas for me to roll in the cool sand or dirt. Mostly, however, if it's too hot for your owner outside, it's going to be too hot for us doggies too.
Also, remember to hydrate and bring plenty of water for both yourself and your best friend.
Happy summer friends.
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